KofC Initiation for Degrees at District #36

1ST Degrees
To be held at Holy Cross Church Hall
Candidates, 1:00 – 1:30 P.M.
Note: Degree Starts at 1:30 P.M. For Candidates
Members meet in Hall by 1:45 P.M. Sharp
 October  19, 2014  
February 1, 2015   
April 12, 2015    
June 7, 2015  
2ND Degrees
November 23, 2014
March 1, 2015  
May 3, 2015
3 RD  Degree
May 24, 2015 
Note :
 ALL  Brothers are entitled and encouraged to take the various degrees. All interested Brothers  MUST notify either the membership director, [SK  Steven Dugal] or assistant Director [ Brother Blair K.Sears] and their  “proposer” of their interest in any particular degree. This is necessary to ensure the applicable arrangements and documentation are completed prior to participation.  ALL Brothers shall be provided with the applicable details of the degrees location, and time once their intent has been received.

All Brothers, are encouraged to invite new candidates to join the Knights. Assistance with the application process is available from the membership director or assistant.



