Children Christmas Party 2014

Wasn’t That A Party? 
The Knights of Columbus did a great job in placing a smile on many children’s faces and filled them with the “Christmas Spirit” of the season.

The 2014 Annual St. Isaac Jogues Children Christmas Party held on Sunday December 7th was a  success and offered a delicious lunch, games, activities, movie and music.  Let us not forget the special guest,  jolly St.Nick, Santa Clause.

                                                 Many activities to take part in.

The hall was decorated with the Christmas Season colours and a delicious smell of the kid’s favourite food – fries, filled the room.  All seemed to enjoy taking part in the event.

                                             Brother Jose and family cookin’ up the lunch.

This annual event is well participated by our parish community and builds upon the celebration of our saviour’s birthday, but also the great pillar’s of the Knights – Charity, Unity & Fraternity

                                                      Some of our Knights – Santa Helpers,
                                                      Brother Gabriel, Moe, Phil & Agnel

                                                    Brother Allan performs with his banjo

       The party ended with a gift for everyone and a special moment with Santa.

                                                                   “THANKS SANTA”



