June 2018 Council Update


Dear Brother Knights,

June 2018 Update 

This month’s Grand Knight’s message:

We have completed a busy 3 months of key activities for our council year. Just this past month the council organized and executed our 2nd Mall raffle ticket sale, the Talent Showcase, the March for Life (Ottawa), the Mother’s Day breakfast, and our principal fundraiser; the annual Memorial KC 11098 golf tourney. Thanks to the many Brothers who dedicated their time & efforts to make these events a success. In June we celebrate the feasts of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, rejoicing in the family and bringing of new life. 



Below are notices of some upcoming events. Get engaged and be part of it.


Tuesday June 5th General Meeting

  • 7:30pm in the Church Hall


  • Potluck following the council meeting so please bring something to share with your brothers!


All Brothers are welcome to join us in our traditional assembly.  All brothers are encouraged to attend to build fraternity and engage collaboratively on the planning and execution of the council’s goals and objectives.  Come help us build our Mission and Vision.
Saturday June 16th K of C Officer Training

  • Registration between 8 and 9am


  •  St. Isaac Jogues Parish Hall


  • Sessions run from 9am to 11:45am with lunch to follow


  • $6/participant in cash or cheque payable to Knights of Columbus T.E.A.Z.
This training session organized by TEAZ (Toronto East Area Zone) is a worthwhile training session for all new officers and returning officers.  All Toronto East Zone councils are also invited for this training seminar.  Training includes a simulated council meeting followed by breakout workshops for each of the officer positions.
Saturday June 16th K of C Council Display Cabinet Moving

  • 1:30pm in the Church Hall


Contact: Dennis Lacey at [email protected] Reid Robertson at [email protected]

With the kitchen renovation a few weeks away, the display unit it the hall will need to be moved.  Brothers are needed to assist with the moving of the unit and its contents.

June 22nd.

Manresa Rene Goupil House BBQ

  • Arrive no later than 4pm for setup and 4:30pm start.
  • Manresa Jesuit Spiritual Renewal Centre at 2325 Liverpool Rd. (at the very north end of Liverpool)


Contact Paul Bertrand at [email protected] or Allan Ashby at [email protected]

Brothers needed to help BBQ and serve food to attendees.
Tuesday June 26th Council Business Meeting


  • 7:30pm in the Church Hall
All Brothers are welcome to gain more detailed info on council’s activities.

This is the last business meeting of this council year. We will be taking a break as we enter the summer with somewhat more informal meetings to be arranged. The hall will not be available for part of the summer with the renovation taking place.

Sunday July 1st CANADA DAY Celebration & St. Issac Jogues Council Bingo Event


  • 10am to 6pm
  • Esplanade Park (directly behind Pickering City Hall)


Contact Stephen Ball at 905-420-2591 or [email protected] or Paul Bertrand at [email protected]

Our K of C 111098 Council is hosting a Bingo event at Esplanade Park as part of the Canada Day celebration held by the City of Pickering. Need volunteers in shifts to assist with running the event.



Vivat Jesus!


COUNCIL 11098 St. Isaac Jogues, Pickering, Ontario CANADA



To provide a supportive network of Catholic men, who, in accordance

with the principles of our Faith provide works of charity to benefit our parish priests,

fellow members and their families and the needs of our community.



To be leaders of our Catholic Faith who inspire the men of our Parish to join us as Brother Knights.

St. Isaac Jogues, Knights of Columbus Council 11098

Deputy Grand Knight Tiago Do Couto





