January 2018 Update for Council


Dear Brother Knights,


January 2018 Update


Grand Knight’s Message


“We wish all our Brothers and their families the best in 2018 as we enter this new year.  We have many interesting events and activities planned for the balance of our council year that you can choose to be engaged with.


With the Solemnity of the Baptism of our Lord now past, we commence the church’s month of February. This month is dedicated to the Holy Family with the Feast of the Presentation on Feb. 2nd. where the Christ child is  ‘the light of revelation to the Gentiles will save his people from their sins’.  The latter part of the month will be the beginning of Lent.


Regarding our 2018 membership dues, again you can pay the $45 fee directly to our Financial Secretary –  Reid Robertson. Or you can pay via a cheque made out to ‘Knights of Columbus – 11098’ and leave it in the church in box addressed to Reid. Thank you.”


We would also like to extend congratulations to our Council Director Kevin Foxton and his wife on the birth of their daughter this month.




Below are notices of some upcoming events. Get engaged and be part of it.


Thursday January 18th Basketball Free Throw Parish (Council) Finals

·         5:30pm to 8pm

·         St. Isaac Jogues School


Please contact Claude Rochefort at 905-213-8014 or at claudrit@rogers.com

Come and help support our Youth in sports at the Council Free Throw Parish Finals.
Saturday January 27th Pasta Bingo

Parish Hall starting after Mass.

(set-up 3:30 pm) 5:30 pm till 9:30 pm
Contact Reid Robertson reidrobertson82@gmail.com

Prize money for the winners & proceeds benefiting our charity for the evening
This month: Pickering Scout Troop
Tuesday January 30th Council Business Meeting


7:30pm in the Church Hall

All welcome to gain more detailed info on council’s activities
Friday February 2nd Basket Ball Free Throw District Finals

·         6pm

·         St. Monica’s School


Contacts Claude Rochefort at claudrit@rogers.com

Come and help support our Youth in Sports at the Council Free Throw District Finals. For Boys & Girls; Ages 10-13.
Tuesday February 6th General Meeting

7:30pm in the Church Hall


(Rosary or Mass at 7pm in Chapel

All are welcome to join us in our traditional assembly.  All brothers are encouraged to attend to build fraternity and engage collaboratively on the planning and execution of the council’s goals and objectives.  Come help us build our Mission and Vision.
Sunday February 11th Knights of Columbus Council 11098 “Hockey Night with the Oshawa Generals”


Oshawa Generals vs The Peterborough Petes


Puck Drop at 6:05pm at the Tribute Centre (Formerly the General Motors Centre)


Tickets: $15.50


Contact Kevin Foxton at kevin.foxton.ca or (416) 556-0669

Come and enjoy a great night of hockey and fraternity with our brother Knights.



Vivat Jesus!


COUNCIL 11098 St. Isaac Jogues, Pickering, Ontario CANADA


To provide a supportive network of Catholic men, who, in accordance

with the principles of our Faith provide works of charity to benefit our parish priests,

fellow members and their families and the needs of our community.



To be leaders of our Catholic Faith who inspire the men of our Parish to join us as Brother Knights.

St. Isaac Jogues, Knights of Columbus Council 11098

Deputy Grand Knight Tiago Do Couto





