June Council Update


Dear Brother Knights,

Please take a moment to review our upcoming events and take steps to be PART OF IT!


This month’s Grand Knight’s message:


The month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Hear of Jesus. The Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the Friday following the second Sunday after Pentecost. Many devotional exercises are connected with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In this month’s issue of Knightline, we are encouraged to continue building and supporting the Domestic Church. The Family Rosary program has been added. Parents are reminded to teach children the ‘Art of Living’ through faith and character.


June is the last month our Knight’s year and thanks to all Brothers who have put in time and effort to make this year a success and raise funds for our Council charities.  



Here are the other upcoming events which are taking place.   Mark your calendars.  Remember any time, no matter how little, dedicated to our efforts makes us stronger.




June 3rd


Life Teen Event  – BBQ

–          -4:45 – After 4:30 pm Mass


Church Parking Lot

Shelly Coish, Youth Director

Shelly needs some Knights to assist with their BBQ cooking at Life Teen event.
Sat. June 3rd To


Sun. June 4th

KofC Raffle Tickets after all Masses this weekend


St. Issac Jogues Church

(vestibule / hall)


Contact Agnel Soans [email protected] 905-839-4445 or Emmanuel Volney

The Cash-Box with tickets is in the corner of the office in the “File-Cabinet” or nearby at the foot of the table near the Volunteer’s Desk, right side. Kindly collect and leave it in the same place.


June 6th

General Meeting


–          -7:30 pm

Church Hall


(Rosary or Mass at 7pm in Chapel)


All welcome to join us in our traditional assembly. All brothers are encouraged to attend to build fraternity and engage collaboratively on the planning and execution of the council’s goals and objectives. Come help us build our Mission and Vision.
Sat. June



KofC Talent Show

–          – 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM

Orchard Villa Retirement Centre


Contact Allan Ashby [email protected]

The popular talent show is back again this year with expected local performers including solo singers, groups and bands.
Sat. June 10th To


Sun. June 12th

KofC Raffle Tickets after all Masses this weekend


St. Issac Jogues Church

(vestibule / hall)

Contact Agnel Soans [email protected] 905-839-4445 or Emmanuel Volney

The Cash-Box with tickets is in the corner of the office in the “File-Cabinet” or nearby at the foot of the table near the Volunteer’s Desk, right side. Kindly collect and leave it in the same place.
Sat. June



KofC – CWL Garage Trunk / Craft Sale’

–          -8:30 am to 1:30 pm

Church Parking Lot & Hall

$20. Per table/ parking spot.

BBQ Lunch, Refreshments



Contact: Al Ashby [email protected]

Come & bring family, friends to this 2nd‘Craft & Garage sale’ sponsored by the KofC & CWL. See what treasures you can discover from the parking lot vendors & Church Hall Craft sale.


June 27th

Council Business Meeting

–          -7:30 pm

Church Hall

All welcome to gain more detailed info on council’s activities
Sat. July   1st

CANADA DAY 150th Celebration

St. Issac Jogues Council Bingo Event


–          -10:00 am to 6:00 pm

Kinsmen Park– Sandy Beach Rd.(s.of Krosno)

Contact: Stephen Ball [email protected] 905-420-2591 or Paul Bertrand [email protected]

Our KofC 111098 Council is hosting a Bingo event at Kinsmen Park as part of Canada’s 150th anniversary celebration held by the City of Pickering. Need some volunteers for shifts.


Vivat Jesus!


COUNCIL 11098 St. Isaac Jogues, Pickering, Ontario CANADA


To provide a supportive network of Catholic men, who, in accordance

with the principles of our Faith provide works of charity to benefit our parish priests,

fellow members and their families and the needs of our community.



To be leaders of our Catholic Faith who inspire the men of our Parish to join us as Brother Knights





